Statements regarding the herbs on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This informational site is not intended to prescribe for specific problems, but to educate the general public concerning the historical uses of herbs. If you have a serious health problem, please consult a competent health care practitioner. Information provided has been gathered from various sources, including; Health Handbook & Today's Herbal Health - L.Fenney; How to Herb Book/Keith & Gordon; Nutritional Herbology - L. Pedersen; Historical Uses of Herbs- Bullock; HA. R. Ti Clements; Sunshine Horizons/NSP & the Internet.
| Herbs for LifeĀ® Copyright 2007 |
Losing weight and keeping it off involved four important factors:
(60) Increases endorphins - Feel fuller, thus eat less and lose weightAPPETITE CONTROL
(1 oz) Assists in control of appetite as an aid to weight lossAS WIGYMNEMA
Provides a feeling of fullness, appetite suppressantCELLU-SMOOTH
(90) Increases circulation to the underlying skin and fights celluliteCELLU-TONE
(.15 oz) Apply to areas of cellulite to tighten and improve circulationCHICKWEED+
Reduces appetite, helps dissolve cellulite and fat, cholesterol cleanerCHROMIUM. GTF
(90) Reduces cravings for sweets, helps body bum fat as energyCOLLATRIM
(16 oz) Strengthen joints as you lose weight and inchesCOLLATRIM |Bedtime
(180 capsules) Strengthen joints as you lose weight and inches. Take at bedtime to help lose weightFASTING PLUS
Decreases desire to snack. Energy. Great for fasting or cleansingFAT GRABBERS
(120) Grabs the fat in your food and carries fat out of your body .FEN-CHI
(150) A safe alternative to prescription drugs. Lose weight and burn fatGARCINA-CHI-
(42 packets) Appetite control. Get energy naturally without stimulantsGARCINIA COMBO-
Helps body make more energy and less fat, curbs appetiteGREEN ZONE
Use as a meal replacement. Gives your body the Zone effectLBS-11+
Constipation, stool softener. Helps keep old waste moving out of your bodyL-CARNITINE
(30) Utilizes fat so it can be used for energy instead of being storedMETABOMAX
(90) Bum stored fat as energy. Nourish glands. Caffeine free!NATURE'S CLEANSE
(4 cleanses) Use prior to any program. Builds colon healthNATURE'S THERMO
TRIM - (1 month) Thenmogenics. Burns fat. Nourishes bodyNATURE'S-SYNER-SLIM
(1 month) Uses synephrine, not ephedra. Nourish w/energyNUTRI-CALM
(60) Fights dieter's irritability. Nervous system, coping, anti-stressPROACTAZYME
Plant enzymes to help you digest foods and absorb nutrientsPYRUVATE
Improve fat burning. Increase endurance and metabolismSF+ - Skinny Formula
Cleanser, diuretic, parasites, helps cravings & energy dipsSLIM-CHI
(120) Slim down your body and get energy naturally without stimulantsSUNSHINE SLENDER
(Van or Coc) (24.75 oz) Complete meal replacement. Tastes greatTHERMO-CHI
(42 packets) Thermogenics. Bums fat, reduce appetite. Super EnergyTHYROID ACTIVATOR
Feed and strengthen the thyroid and increase metabolismTIAO HE CLEANSE
(30 Packets) Clean old waste accumulated in bowels. Helps liver